Making a decision about your unintended pregnancy may seem impossible. Your mind is full of shoulds and fears. You’re terrified of making the wrong decision, but you don’t know how to find the right one.
The tips below will help you determine what is best for you, your pregnancy, and your future. We’ll guide you through this decision, so you can know what to do and how to make this pregnancy choice with confidence.
3 Tips for Making a Decision about Your Pregnancy

1. Ask the right questions
With any major life choice, you should take the time to think about all the factors that affect your decision.
First, set aside time for quiet, uninterrupted reflection. During this time, ask yourself questions such as:
- What are my options for my pregnancy?
- Out of those options, which one would I choose if nothing else mattered?
- Why do I feel like that isn’t a realistic option? What is stopping me from making the choice I want to make for my pregnancy?
- How can I overcome these challenges? Can I find people and resources that will help me succeed?
- What are the pros and cons of each pregnancy option?
- What would be the absolute worst outcome for each option? The absolute best case? How would you cope with these outcomes?
It’s important to be honest with yourself as you work through these questions. We recommend journaling your answers. Writing them down will help you think through your options and emotions.
It will also get these swirling thoughts out of your head. Once they are on paper, you can process and understand your feelings better.
You should also be specific in your answers. Research the costs of abortions and pregnancy services. Try to find stories from women who made the choice you want to make. If they could do it, you can too.

2. Ask for help
A surprise pregnancy often feels like a shameful secret. You may be afraid of your loved ones’ reactions to the news.
But telling others about your pregnancy often goes better than you think. Some reactions may be negative, but others could offer the guidance and acceptance you need.
No matter your situation, there’s always someone who can help.
Some women turn to a sister or mother. If you have a close relationship, family often knows you better than anyone and wants what’s best for you. Your loved one can help you think through your situation and offer ongoing support. Their unconditional love may be exactly the help you need.
You may also have a friend who is always there for you. If you aren’t ready to tell your family, consider confiding in a friend.
There may be others in your life who will gladly support you through your pregnancy. Counselors, coworkers, mentors, pastors, teachers, coaches, and more may be your best option. If you trust this person to have your best interests at heart, they may be a safe place to turn.
Lastly, there are many organizations that support women with unexpected pregnancies. You can visit an organization such as Thrive Orlando for information about your options and resources. At our clinic, we’ll also offer information about your health and pregnancy. This information will help you determine which options you can choose.
3. Trust your gut
Maybe you already know which choice you “should” make, but something is holding you back. Or maybe you know what you want to do, but others are telling you that you won’t be able to succeed if you choose that option.
Though it sounds silly, your gut feelings are actually worth listening to. And it’s not anything superstitious. Gut feelings are often a combination of information, memories, experiences, and feelings that you are subconsciously processing.
Ignoring your gut feelings or what you truly want to do may lead to deep feelings of guilt and remorse. Some pregnancy options are impossible to “undo.” If you aren’t confident in your decision, it may end up being one of your biggest regrets.
Learn about your unplanned pregnancy options at Thrive Orlando
Before you can make any decisions about your pregnancy, you need to see a healthcare professional. At Thrive Orlando, we’ll give you a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy.
We also offer ultrasounds and STD testing and treatment to make sure you aren’t at risk for abortion complications.
You can speak with our patient advocate and registered nurses about your options and questions. We want you to make a decision you feel good about. You’ll receive pamphlets, referrals to local resources, and all the information you need to make the best choice for your pregnancy.
The best part? Our services are completely cost-free!