Learning to accept change is an important life skill. Every person experiences twists and turns in life. But a major event such as a surprise pregnancy can shake even the most adaptable person.
When everything you planned for and expected is in question, how are you supposed to embrace such massive change?
If you feel lost and unable to deal with your pregnancy, you’re not alone. This challenge may feel impossible, but you can find the peace and clarity you need to accept this change and plan your best next steps.
9 ways to accept change
1. Consider the possibilities
Change is often overwhelming because it disrupts our plans. Often, however, we discover that this twist in the road leads to something more amazing than we could have dreamed.
Take a moment to imagine what your new future could hold. Be curious about what you want and what you can achieve. Then, use this mindset to approach your situation with positivity and hope.
2. Determine what you want from this situation and your life
You can’t control the changes in life, but you can control what you do next. But first, you have to know what you want in life so you can figure out how to get there.
Consider all your options and what your future might look like with each choice. If you could choose how this situation plays out, what would you want? Then, use these desires to set new goals and build something amazing.

3. See how change reveals your capability and strength
You are stronger and more capable than you think. Yes, this is hard. But you’ve done hard things before. Don’t let your fears and anxiety make you small. Tackle your situation one step at a time until you reach your goals.
4. Adjust your roadmap
An unplanned pregnancy changes your plans, but it doesn’t have to ruin them. You will still graduate, get that job, and build a healthy relationship. Life may look different, but that doesn’t mean it’s worse or more limited than it was before.
Rather than giving up on your dreams, find new ways to meet your goals. Whether you need a mentor, financial assistance, information, or support, you can find the unexpected pregnancy support you need.
5. Get information about your options

Change is often scary because we suddenly lose sight of what we expect to happen. Your brain goes into crisis mode and you look for the immediate, easiest option.
Unfortunately, the choices made in panic mode are often the decisions we come to regret.
Before deciding your pregnancy, make sure you understand all of your options. Speak to someone who can help you find solutions for your specific problems. You aren’t alone or helpless—you can find the support you need if you only ask for it.
6. Pay attention to your emotions
You shouldn’t base your decisions on emotions, but you should listen to what your feelings are trying to tell you. Why does this change matter so much? What are the thoughts and fears that are driving your emotional response?
Use your feelings to find the heart of the problem. Then, you can then start working on solutions that meet your needs and help you get what you want from the situation.
7. Reframe your situation
Changing your perspective can often reveal hope and answers. One great way to reframe your situation is to journal. Putting your thoughts in writing can calm your anxiety and help you think more clearly.
Start by writing down your fears and desires. Ask yourself, “What am I really afraid of?” You can also try thinking of the absolute worst-case scenario. Then ask yourself, “Is that likely to happen?” Journal some more realistic scenarios and then brainstorm ways you could resolve or respond to these situations. Often, you’ll find that your fears and challenges are easier to overcome when you can look at them clearly.
8. Find ways to relieve your stress
A surprise pregnancy can be stressful, even in the best circumstances. Look for ways to calm your mind and spirit. Often, these methods can also soothe your body and relieve tension. You might:
- Do yoga
- Take a warm bath
- Go on a walk
- Meditate
- Spend quality time with someone you love

Stressing about this life change won’t make anything better. Practice self-care so you can approach the situation with peace and clarity.
9. Talk to someone you trust
A heavy secret like an unplanned pregnancy is a heavy burden to carry alone. By sharing this news with someone you trust, you can find relief from this weight.
Choose a loved one who wants what is best for you and won’t try to force their opinion on you. Your mom, sister, best friend, or mentor may be the person who can give you the support you need.
We aren’t made to go through life changes alone. Find someone to lean on and help you on your journey.
For information about all your pregnancy options and judgment-free support, make a free appointment at Thrive Orlando.