We hear it a lot: Do I need abortion counseling?

Our free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and STD testing & treatment aren’t the only services we offer. We also offer abortion counseling to all of our patients!

Your medical needs are important, but you deserve help for your mental and emotional concerns too.

In this blog, we’ll explain how abortion counseling can help you protect your well-being during your unexpected pregnancy.

Looking for post-abortion counseling? Find it here.

What is abortion counseling?

Abortion counseling is sometimes called pre-abortion screening. Even if you already know which choice you want to make for your pregnancy, there are many factors to figure out. This session will help you think through the whole process and find the best option for your pregnancy. 

For example, there are many different types of abortion. Each option has different limitations and risks. You can only use the abortion pill through the first 10 weeks of your pregnancy. A surgical abortion has different side effects and may require more time off work. Additionally, you may have different risks and complications based on your health history. 

What is abortion counseling

Other factors to consider include the cost of each type of abortion, if you need to travel out of state, and whether you have an STD.

It’s also important to know what to expect from the abortion experience. During the abortion counseling session, we will go over the physical, emotional, and mental side effects of each abortion method. You’ll learn about the specifics of each procedure and how it’s performed. We will also cover the risks, side effects, and anything else you need to know.

Best of all, you will have the chance to ask any questions you might have. Both your patient advocate and nurse will happily offer all the answers you need.

Do I need abortion counseling?

Every woman needs abortion counseling. But it’s not because you can’t make a decision about your pregnancy alone. Instead, we want you to have all the resources and information you may not be able to access alone. 

Here are some of the benefits of a pre-abortion consultation.

Be informed

Be informed

During your appointment, you’ll learn about the different organizations that can help you with finances, housing, food, education, and more. There are many local and national organizations that help women facing unplanned pregnancies. We’ll help you connect with the resources that can help with your specific needs.

We’ll also provide brochures and materials that offer info about all of your pregnancy options, including abortion.

An informed decision is a confident decision. When you have all the info you need, you can be sure you made the right choice. You deserve this peace of mind. Take the time to explore your options and make sure you make a choice you won’t regret.

Find solutions

Many of our patients feel forced to make a specific choice. A woman may be facing pressure from her partner or parents. She may have obstacles she feels unable to overcome. 

Our patient advocates are here to help you work through these challenges. Your advocate will help you think through your situation and find solutions. She can also point you to resources that can help.

Sometimes, just talking through your problems is enough to calm your fears. You may find a path that you couldn’t see before.

Be prepared

An unplanned pregnancy is scary. Often, making a decision about your pregnancy is overwhelming and frightening too.

The best way to conquer this fear is to know what to expect. We’ll answer all of the questions you might have about your pregnancy and options. No matter what you choose for your pregnancy, you’ll be prepared going into it. You’ll also be better equipped to handle any unexpected situations that arise.

The abortion pill, for example, is taken at home. Often, women aren’t aware of common side effects such as extremely heavy bleeding, cramping, and large blood clots. For these women, the experience is usually more intense than expected. 

To help you avoid similar experiences, we’ll walk you through each abortion method and the more dangerous risks so you know when to get help if needed.

Be prepared

Find unplanned pregnancy options at Thrive Orlando

We know your situation is urgent. But we also know that you can’t undo the decision you make for your pregnancy.

Book an appointment today to make sure you are making the right decision for yourself and your pregnancy.

You won’t regret an abortion counseling session, but you might regret making a hasty decision.

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