Before taking the abortion pill, you should feel confident and informed. Unfortunately, the abortion pill is a medication surrounded by a lot of controversy. With so much conflicting information online, you may feel uncertain or scared.

In this blog, we’ll share some of the most important things you should know before having a medical abortion. These five tips will tell you what to do and what to avoid when taking the abortion pill.

Deciding to have a medication abortion is a big deal. Make sure you take the time to understand this choice and everything involved in it. You, and your future, deserve it.

What to know before taking the abortion pill: 5 dos and don’ts

Do: See a doctor before and after your abortion

The abortion pill regimen includes two different medications. First you take mifepristone, then you take misoprostol.

The FDA approved mifepristone for use in ending pregnancies, but only through the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Taking the medication after this point increases the risk of complications. It also has a higher chance of failing to end your pregnancy. See a doctor before taking the pills to make sure you are within the 10-week timeframe.

The abortion pill will also fail to end your pregnancy if you have an ectopic pregnancy, a condition your doctor will check for. With this condition, the embryo implants outside the uterus. The abortion pill may end the pregnancy, but the tissue will remain inside your body. This is called an incomplete abortion.

You might also experience an incomplete abortion with a normal pregnancy after taking the abortion pill. If untreated, this can develop into a life-threatening infection called sepsis.

This is why you should always see a doctor after taking the abortion pill. Even if you ordered the medication online or you’re more than six weeks along, don’t risk your health. Have a doctor confirm that you passed all the tissue without issue.

See a doctor before and after your abortion

Don’t: Order the abortion pill online

Many organizations offer the abortion pill online. These pills are easy to get, but they’re not easy to verify. Many of these medications come from foreign countries, including India and Mexico. These countries don’t have the same safety standards as the U.S. You won’t know what is in these pills or where they come from.

The FDA warns women not to order these pills online because it can’t “ensure the safety, effectiveness, or quality of those medications.” Protect your health and only get the abortion pill from a doctor.

Do: Get an ultrasound before taking the pills

ultrasound before abortion pill

Pregnancy ultrasounds aren’t just for grainy black-and-white pictures. They are crucial for your health.

An ultrasound reveals how far along your pregnancy is. The sonographer will measure the embryo to learn your gestational age. This information will reveal your options, including if it’s safe to take the abortion pill.

Additionally, the ultrasound can help rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. If it shows the embryo within your uterus, you shouldn’t have to worry about that complication. But if the sonographer sees something unusual, you should get further testing to protect your health.

Don’t: Ignore your side effects or risks

Often, women experience their medication abortions at home. This is why you might hear them called self-managed abortions or do-it-yourself (DIY) abortions. Since you are not under direct medical supervision, it’s important to pay attention to your side effects and risks.

For instance, you shouldn’t take the abortion pill if you have bleeding problems, heart issues, diabetes, or other risk factors. Signs of ectopic pregnancy, such as vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain, are also a major concern. Make sure a doctor clears you for a medication abortion before taking the pills.

If you experience heavy bleeding, intense pain, or signs of an infection after the abortion, seek emergency care immediately.

Do: Call the Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline if you change your mind

If you have only taken mifepristone and change your mind about the abortion, you may be able to stop it.

Mifepristone works by blocking a pregnancy hormone called progesterone. Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) treatment replaces the lost hormone to protect your pregnancy. The APR Hotline will connect you to a local doctor who will prescribe the progesterone treatment.

Doctors often use this same treatment to prevent miscarriages, so it is safe to take.

Call the Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline if you change your mind

For the best chance of saving your pregnancy, you should call the hotline ASAP. When started within 72 hours of taking mifepristone, APR treatment works up to 68% of the time. You must start the treatment before taking the second medication, misoprostol.

Remember, you can always stop this treatment if you want to continue with the abortion. But if you have any doubts or regret, there’s still hope. Call the APR Hotline to find the support you need.

Learn more about the abortion pill at Thrive Orlando

You should never rush into any medical decision. Give yourself the care you deserve by learning about the abortion pill and all your pregnancy options.

It’s a decision you won’t regret.

Book your free appointment for a confirmation pregnancy test, ultrasound, and abortion counseling today.

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