Inspiring words won’t solve your problems, but they can help ease your anxiety about your situation.
If you are stressed about an unplanned pregnancy or another challenge, read through the quotes we’ve included below. We hope they will help you see your situation with new eyes and provide some relief from your anxiety.
7 quotes to ease your anxiety
Focus instead on the positives about your circumstances. Look for the silver lining and lean on your support. You have the strength to face tomorrow’s sorrows. You just have to find it.
Anxiety doesn’t help you think of a better solution. It doesn’t prepare you to make the best decisions or help you feel better. It only increases the stress on your mind and body, forcing you to suffer longer.
Rather than worrying, ease your anxiety by seeking out information. Educate yourself about your options to turn your what-ifs into action.
You can’t control what will happen tomorrow but you can control what you do today. When you feel anxious about your problems, redirect your energy into a more productive task. You could, for example, journal about your fears, emotions, and hopes. Or it may help to meet with a trusted loved one to get advice and support. Create space, connection, and clarity to help you understand the best choice to make for your pregnancy and situation.
Your pregnancy and challenges may seem impossible, but you have overcome impossible challenges before. Rather than focusing on what you think you can’t do, remind yourself of your strength and bravery. You are capable of so much more than you think. Don’t let your fears and doubts—or the opinions of others—push you into a decision you don’t want to make.
Instead, arm yourself with information and the support of a loving community. Learn about all your options and resources to understand what you can do to change your situation. Do what you want to do for your pregnancy. You deserve it.
Most of all, give yourself compassion. You are not your choices or your situation. Remember that you are beautiful, strong, brave, and worthy. Nothing can change that.
The best remedy to anxiety is hope. It is the reason to keep moving forward, despite the hardships you face. Even if there are more challenges ahead, remember that your future is more beautiful than you can imagine.
Find freedom from your fear, anxiety, and stress. Believe that the best is yet to come and a wonderful future is waiting for you.
Find information about your pregnancy options at Thrive Orlando

Education is always a great way to find relief from your anxiety. If you believe you are pregnant, we can help you find information about your pregnancy and options for your future.
Our services are always free. Find no-cost pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STD testing/treatment, and options counseling today.