In this blog, we’ll debunk some common myths about pregnancy so you can explore your options with confidence.

Myth #1: You can’t get pregnant on your period, while breastfeeding, or while using birth control.
TRUTH: There is always a risk of getting pregnant when you have sex.
Myths about getting pregnant are some of the most common misconceptions. They’re also the most dangerous. These myths create a false sense of security. You may not be as careful in these circumstances, increasing your risk of pregnancy.
For example, you may have heard that you can’t get pregnant if:
- You’re on your period
- You’re using birth control, an IUD, or another form of contraceptive
- You and your partner used a condom or a method such as “pulling out”
- You’re breastfeeding
All of these situations may lessen your chances of getting pregnant, but they aren’t foolproof. Condoms, for example, have a failure rate of 13%. Oral birth control fails 7% of the time. Remember that pregnancy is always a possibility when you have sex, even when you take precautions.

Myth #2: You will immediately see signs of a miscarriage.
TRUTH: Bleeding is the most common sign of a miscarriage, but it isn’t the only way to detect a non-viable pregnancy.
During an ultrasound, the sonographer will evaluate the pregnancy for viability. She will look for a gestational sac, a yolk sac, and the embryo. These findings will help her determine if your pregnancy is progressing as expected.
Before making a decision about your unplanned pregnancy, get an ultrasound to determine if your pregnancy is viable.
Myth #3: It’s safe to have unprotected sex while pregnant.
TRUTH: While you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant, you should still use safe sex practices.
Safe sex isn’t just about contraception. You can still get a sexually transmitted disease (STD), which may lead to future infertility, infection, and other complications.
Protect your health and always practice safe sex.
Learn more about why pregnant women should get STD testing here.
Myth #4: Every pregnancy is the same.
TRUTH: Every woman’s body is different, so her pregnancies are unique as well.
The symptoms, risks, and factors involved in your pregnancy will be different than anyone else’s. It’s important to get medical advice before making any decisions about your pregnancy.
For example, you may have a health condition that can cause serious complications during an abortion or birth. Even if your friend took the abortion pill without life-threatening side effects, your body may experience dangerously heavy bleeding or develop sepsis.
You deserve care designed for your body, circumstances, and concerns. Make an appointment with a healthcare professional to understand your options and risks.
Myth #5: Home pregnancy tests are always accurate.
TRUTH: Home pregnancy tests can produce false positive and negative results.
Pregnancy tests measure the amount of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Your body only produces this hormone after a fertilized egg implants in your uterus, so it’s generally a good way to detect pregnancy.
That said, several factors may lead to either a false positive or a false negative on a pregnancy test.
If you take the test too early in your pregnancy, for example, you may not have enough HCG in your body for the test to detect. You’ll get a negative result even if you are pregnant.
Similarly, you may get a positive test during a miscarriage. Though the pregnancy isn’t viable, your HCG levels are still high enough to show up on the test. Medications that contain HCG can cause false positive results as well.
The only ways to know for sure if you have a viable pregnancy are medical-grade pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. Make an appointment at a local clinic to get a definitive answer about your possible pregnancy.

You don’t have to face your pregnancy alone
With an unplanned pregnancy, you have a lot to figure out. All of these choices and information can be overwhelming, so we encourage you to speak with a medical professional about your health and options.
At Thrive Orlando, our nurses, sonographers, and Patient Advocates can answer any questions you have about your pregnancy. You can get the resources and information you need to feel confident about your decision. We offer the care you deserve – confidential, judgment-free, and tailored to your needs and circumstances.
Make an appointment to get a free pregnancy test today!