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Do I Have an STD?

Do I Have an STD?

Millions of Americans suffer from sexually transmitted diseases (STD), also called sexually transmitted infections (STI). In fact, more than 2.5 million new cases were reported in 2022. Most of these diseases aren’t life-threatening, but they can cause short- and...

7 Quotes to Ease Your Anxiety

7 Quotes to Ease Your Anxiety

Inspiring words won’t solve your problems, but they can help ease your anxiety about your situation. If you are stressed about an unplanned pregnancy or another challenge, read through the quotes we’ve included below. We hope they will help you see your situation with...

What to Know Before Taking the Abortion Pill

What to Know Before Taking the Abortion Pill

Before taking the abortion pill, you should feel confident and informed. Unfortunately, the abortion pill is a medication surrounded by a lot of controversy. With so much conflicting information online, you may feel uncertain or scared. In this blog, we’ll share some...

How to Overcome Pregnancy Shame

How to Overcome Pregnancy Shame

Pregnancy shame often goes hand-in-hand with an unplanned pregnancy. You might feel ashamed of the choices you made that led to your pregnancy. Perhaps the father is someone you are ashamed to have had sex with, such as an ex or a one-night stand. Or maybe your...

4 Types of Abortion Complications

4 Types of Abortion Complications

Abortion is a medical procedure. Like all medical procedures, it can sometimes cause both long-term and short-term harm to patients. Research shows that the rate of complications for abortion is about 2%. These side effects don’t affect every woman, but it’s important...

Where Can I Find Unexpected Pregnancy Support?

Where Can I Find Unexpected Pregnancy Support?

Unexpected pregnancy support is not always easy to find. Many of our patients share that they feel trapped because they can’t find the help they need. Even if they want to continue their pregnancies, it seems impossible. If this is how you are feeling, we have great...

Do I Have a Viable Pregnancy?

Do I Have a Viable Pregnancy?

Learning if you have a viable pregnancy is one of the first things you should do after you have a positive pregnancy test. This information will determine everything about your next steps. It may cause heartache or relief. It could change your situation completely....

What If I’m Not Excited About My Pregnancy?

What If I’m Not Excited About My Pregnancy?

When your pregnancy isn’t planned, so much about the experience changes. As baby announcements and baby shower pictures scroll through your feed, you have to face the facts: You are not excited about your unintended pregnancy. Maybe you are in school or just starting...

Abortion Pill: What Should I Expect?

Abortion Pill: What Should I Expect?

You should know what to expect from the abortion pill before you decide to take it. Like any medical procedure or medication, the abortion pill can cause serious complications. It also has several side effects that may be alarming and distressing. This blog will...

The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional counseling, medical, or prenatal care.

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